Thursday, January 5, 2012

another hectic day

4 January 2012

baru hari ke-4. agak lesu tapi maintain wire loose. kwn2 nurul dah berada di tahap yg mbimbangkan. loose diorg dah makin tinggi! & bilangan yg join loose pun btambah2, haihh. 

as usual pagi ktrg ada musical practise drpd pkl8-10. then breakfast nasi lemak omnomnom mcm biasa. oh hari ni ada quiz etm, yg agak-sangat susah. lucky me today ada gap 12-4pm & takda practise coz the bachelor students ada class. so nurul balik rumah. sampai2 kat rumah je elok Fiza tgk rncgn m'msk. 'Mummy, jom buat ppuding karamel!' sanggup turun bawah prgi beli susu!

masak gula dlm multi-cooker mampu??

campuran telur, susu, gula & esen vanilla 

gambar yg dh siap ada dlm peti sejuk. (;

petang nya after class ada practise one hour. time ni ktrg luangkan dgn b'kualiti & effective sekali buat the whole friends' album while waiting utk smua org gather around and round. 

one of my fav picta of the day :'(

Amirul ???? & Muz

gambar ni nampak mcm apa?? btw the guy with the black shirt - Kim 

bangunan MSU yg dah siap & dalam proses *next to you*

dihadapan bangunan yg t'sergam indah duduk nya seorang gadis melayu yg muka mix2 sikit *hari ni b'kali2 dia tacing macing dgn nurul :*


some member's of the musical

topic: lelaki vs perempuan - duduk silang kaki (ladies style)
mampukah lelaki melakukannya?? tidak sama sekali!

the craziest people in campus that I know and I adore them coz I'm even crazier! 

lepas practise class and class straight to 9.30pm. termasuk la practise musical dimana kanak2 ribena ini sgt aktif b'gumbira b'sukaria joget2 lagu tradisional ni kan adoishh. tensen betul nk practise dgn semppit b'langgar2 :'( & sempat la jugak ktrg main police entry time gap beberapa minit yg ada. yg dimana mereka2 ini pancit terus surrender nak main -____- *saya selaku pencuri sangat tidak berpuas hati dgn kelakuan ini!* pang! 

1st trial - 3 person

2nd trial - 4 person

'The Police Story' :/

overall?? today was fun. I got to take lots and lots of picture with my peeps, we played childhood game and got to see them practise their dance performances and it was awesome!! 

nice aittte?? 

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