Sunday, November 13, 2011

13th November 2011

let see hurm I make a 3 days countdown from 10th Nov at my bbm status & I put this thing as my bbm's dp. where you can't find it. smart isn't it? O.o 

happy birthday angel. may Allah bless you (;

Saturday, November 12, 2011

i adore her spirit & strength, boy you're lucky (':

Still love him now, I'll love him tomorrow, I'll love him after tomorrow, I'll love him as long as I can love him with all my heart.  Its written that way.  And you know what happen to me is so so sweet nurul. You were there. You were part of it. And you know. So pleased don't tell me I should just forget. Just give me a little hope. Tell me that he's going to worth it. Tell me that nurul. I'm not gonna force you to say that he is a nice guy. But just tell me, he's going to worth for some one liked me. Some one that as same as he was. Stubborn, unsecure, too deeply in love, blur, distracting, annoying and still going to hurt their partner so bad, but at the same time, need them in their life. That is us? I fall every time. So much that I fall until I  feel that its not going to hurt again. It takes times.  So long. So maybe this is not the time yet. Cause I'm still trying so hard to get him back. There is no way in a relation that you're not going to hurt! Its going to hurt you too soon or too late. Every relation have that rules and with him I've been all the rough and difficult time and learnt to understand him better. With every tears I cried,  The lovely moment with him just make me smiled like I'm the most beautiful girl in this world. And that time, I will just realised. Its worth it. In our case there's so many things happen. We were to far away from each other.
We were lack of communication . We assumed too much. This is long distance relationship.  Its way different than seeing the person you love every day. He'll do everything he had to make me happy.  He's came all away from****** just to make sure that I'm alright. He texted you to see if I'm okay. He is so caring. Not every relation have the same pathway nurul

How about I'll prove it to you one day?  Fair enough like that kan nurul? Heeeee I love you nurul! So much.  Please take care yourself for me.  And if one day, you'll experience the thing that I have been experienced before.  Come to me. I'm not gonna promise I'll cry with you, but I'm promise I'll be a good listener. Good night and sleep tight princess. Cherish all the moment when you still have it ♥

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

9nov - Hang Out

Gara2 sewa rumah yg wajib di bayar termasuk la time2 cuti maka dgn rela hati nya nurul prgi shah alam. Hbis byar sewa balik rumah sewa jap la kan. Pung pang pung pang. Budak2 ni ajak prgi mkn mc’d. Tp ktrg tukar direction prgi section 2. FRADOO ABC! Nyum nyum! Rindu nya dh lma tak ngap bnda alah ni.

omnomnomnom :/

muka Intan time lapar! (;

muka chef Ros tgh rasa masakan mak cik tu. gred brpa tu chef??

bam bam kan?? al maklum la cuti syok makan makan makan 24/7 >_<

Then kena shoot balik nak elak jam pnya pasal. Klau jam tak boley pecut tak syok (; 
p/s: tak aci takda gmbar fiza *gmbar culik drpd fb,hehe*

Wangsa Maju & KLIA

Motip sgt tajuk entri ni -_- . Lepas balik dri kmpg nurul strght prgi rumah Kak Nor. Nak jmp anak2 buah ku yg omey dri Doha ni dh lma tak jmp. Isk3. Smpai je depan pntu dh kena smbut dgn jeritan. Meriah !

Auni Athirah <3

Thakif <3


makan karipap smpai lompat2

Auni makan karipap ntah brpa biji tak dpt dipastikan. Lebih dri 10 itu mmg pasti. Melepak kt situ smpai Maghrib bru sedar diri nak balik rumah.

'ni apa?' 

Esok nya plak strght prgi KLIA jmp kt sna terus diorg dh nak balik pong. Balik kejap sgt nk buat acane kan. *pdhal diorg balik sebulan* Nak myembang gossip2 dgn akak pn tak sempat adoishh. Soalan Auni ‘What are you doing here?’ Okay blank jgak sbnr nya klau jwb pn pnjg sgt nak explain. Buat2 tak thu jela. Hehe.

apa dia buat tidak diketahui

home-made taw! nak tempah??

Ktrg lepak jap makan minum makan minum smbil buang masa tggu flight. Tiba2 Auni jerit ‘Auni nak nasi!’ ??? Sejak bila plak dia peminat nasi ni? Sllu perut barat je. Adoish fenin kepala. Thakif dh diam elok je dduk dgn atuk.

mama nya aka K.Nor <3

Time last farewell utk seketika waktu sempat lagi Auni jerit ‘Nanti dtg lagi taw’ Ewah ewah bdak tiut ni dia pnya gaya mcm dkt bebeno Malaysia dgn Doha tu ye.

Bubye cutiey (‘:

Raya Aidiladha

Raya Aidilfitri dh blik Kedah so Raya Aidiladha kena balik Malacca plak, gilir2. Satu family bkmpung 3 hri kt Melaka. Dpt main dgn bdak kecik ni nma dia Danish. Nma penuh tak hingat complicated bebeno nma nya. Dah tak larat nak angkat dia bnyak noe minum susu. -_-

Bagus nya psl Danish ni sbab senang nak jaga. Letak je dia tak bising. Nak bg dia gelak acah2 skit. Nak bg dia aktif?? Letak je bnda gerak2 depan dia confirm aktif ! bising sebab tak reti merangkak nak ambil bnda tu. Hehehe. *see?kes dera* klau dia mula tukar mode tu faham2 la sma ada lapar atau mgantuk. Settle. (;

bdak merajuk tak dapat mkn aiskrim second round 

adam penat lawan dgn mak su ! yeay mak su menang!

see? pak long mngajar makan aiskrim tu semua ikut

semua dah tukar mode kenyang. burpppp!

Mlm raya anak2 buah dri Kepong malii hoo mau laya sini pulak maaa. Diorg ikt Mak Ngah bkn ibu dia. Makan aiskrim la, main batu seremban, lwn bdiri sebelah kaki dgn Mak Su diorg ni yg mna confirm la mng lwn dgn bdak kecik. Tp diorg tak stay lama, tgh mlm balik kmpg lagi satu pulak.
& hari Isnin tepat jam 12 ktrg gerak balik! Wee! Rindu katil oh!