Tuesday, May 24, 2011

how to woo a girl?

girls is the most complex creature in the world. and many guys find it hard to seduce a girl. not all. some of them. so let see what are the basic steps to seduce a girl?

first thing first...
relax dude! you spoil everything because you're all tense when you're approaching her. being relax help you to smile a lot and girl somehow find relax guys appealing to them. so be relax okay?

second thing...
be confident! girls always remember their 'first impression' to you. always! so anything you do , do it confidently. talking, walking and bla3. especially body language. but never be extremely confident. they might misguided and consider you as an arrogant and cocky person. (;

wisdom compliment works for girls. note here! girls love compliment, wise compliment! *seriously what's with the exclamation mark girl? but excessive compliment makes them bored and feel like it wasn't special anymore. *see! told you girls are complicated. (; they love to be around the one that love them, not obsess! 

 last but not least.
outlook appearance, the most important part actually. save all that 'i don't care about how he/she looks and bla3' drama.  you're a big fat liar if you say so. think of this. do you have the gut to walk with someone who's so stain and messy? to be look up & down whenever, wherever you go? the answer will be nope! but it doesn't mean you have to wear tie, shirt & slack all the times. wear something smart & casual. bonus mark for perfume (;

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